How Many Caw Slots In Wwe 2k18
4/7/2022by admin
How Many Caw Slots In Wwe 2k18 Rating: 5,5/10 8933 votes

WWE 2k18 uses Wrestler IDs ranging from 0 to 999.
The following are the Wrestler IDs for Created Superstars/CAS/CAW created with the in-game Creation Suite or downloaded from in-game Community Creations.
The following is a list of Wrestler IDs for regular Wrestlers. The wrestlers marked with [Mod], <Mod> or <<Mod>> are community recommended slots that are reserved for Mods, the difference between the three is that the ones marked with <Mod> require a slot increase mod like PerfectPlextra or PacPlus to be recognized by the game. <<Mod>> entries additionally requires the CAWless Mod (currently available with PacPlus only) to work.
How Many Caw Slots In Wwe 2k19
Some caws have like 20 logos slots used up and often its because of the alt. Attires and stuff. I have to manally go in and delete the ones im not going to use to save space for a full roster. Thankfully now I managed to narrow the CAWs for 2K18 down to about 50-60. Plus you can add 10 attire slots for up to 100 wrestlers, so no need wasting caw slots on stuff like The Shield. Caws on PC should really just be used for (like the ones I make) Indie promotion caws, and like many others enjoy, unique, fictional, custom caws. As for the other two slots, one will be similar to real life WWE (Raw, Smackdown, NXT, 205 Live), as well as MEW (Main Event Wrestling), which will consist of all the main-eventers (once I get them with VC) spread over Raw and Smackdown, with the World title being defended on both shows.
All IDs from this list are also used by Data Editor, Custom Character Tools, WrestlePlus and more.
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WWE 2k18 uses Wrestler IDs ranging from 0 to 999.
The following are the Wrestler IDs for Created Superstars/CAS/CAW created with the in-game Creation Suite or downloaded from in-game Community Creations.
How Many Caw Slots In Wwe 2k18 Game
The following is a list of Wrestler IDs for regular Wrestlers. The wrestlers marked with [Mod] or <Mod> are community recommended slots that are reserved for Mods, the difference between the two is that the ones marked with <Mod> require a slot increase mod like PerfectPlextra or PacPlus to be recognized by the game. These IDs are also used by Data Editor.
How Many Caw Slots In Wwe 2k18 2020
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